Temporal Differences (TED) Compressed Sensing

TED is a Compressed Sensing method for dynamic MRI, which enables accurate temperature reconstruction from sub-Nyquist k-space measurements. Our paper demonstrated that TED is highly suitable for temperature monitoring in MR-guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MRgHIFU) treatments.

TED is a general dynamic MRI method and can hence be applied for various MRI acquisitions. Let us know if you find a cool app!

Efrat Shimron - TED Compressed Sensing


CORE-PI is a simple linear (non-iterative) reconstruction method, suitable to 2D Cartesian MR imaging. It enables reconstruction from subsampled k-space data acquired with multi-coil arrays. This method is parameter-free, i.e. it does not require the calibration of any parameters.

Efrat Shimron - CORE-PI method


CORE-Deblur is a Parallel Imaging Compressed Sensing (PI-CS) method.

Our paper introduced the concept of MR image reconstruction by deblurring using Compressed Sensing (CS), and showed that CORE-Deblur can expedite CS computations: the number of required iterations is reduced by a factor of 10.

Efrat Shimron - CORE-Deblur

Copyright Efrat Shimron, 2020