New! R. Heckel, M. Jacob, A. Chaudhari, O. Perlman, and E. Shimron, "Deep learning for accelerated and robust MRI reconstruction: a review", arXiv (2024).
Frederic Wang, Han Qi, Alfredo De Goyeneche, Reinhard Heckel, Michael Lustig, Efrat Shimron. "k-band: Self-supervised MRI Reconstruction via Stochastic Gradient Descent over k-space Subsets", arXiv, (2023).
L. Bell and E. Shimron, "Sharing data is essential for the future of AI in medical imaging". Invited editorial, Radiology AI.
Shimron Efrat and Or Perlman, "AI in MRI Computational Framework for a Fast, Optimized and Automated Imaging Workflow". Editorial, Bioengineering, 2023.
Nikhil Deveshwar, Abhejit Rajagopal, Sule Sahin, Efrat Shimron, Peder E.Z. Larson. "Synthesizing Complex Multicoil MRI Data from Magnitude-only Images", Bioengineering (2023).
Shimron Efrat., Tamir Jonathan, Wang Ke and Lustig Michael. "Implicit Data Crimes: Machine Learning Bias Arising from Misuse of Public Data". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (2022).
Shimron Efrat., Grissom, William, and Azhari, Haim. “Temporal Differences (TED) Compressed Sensing for Fast MR-guided-HIFU”. NMR in Biomedicine (2020).
Shimron Efrat., Webb, Andrew G., and Azhari, Haim. “CORE-Deblur: Parallel MRI with Deblurring by Compressed Sensing. MRI (2020).
Saccarelli Carolina S., Keenan Kathryn, Shimron Efrat, Kasper Lars, Keilholz Shella D., Kravitz, Roberta A., Wald, Lawrence L. and Morris, Elizabeth A. “The Path to Parent-inclusive Conferences”. Journal of the American College of Radiology (JACR) (2020) (Invited opinion paper).
Shimron Efrat, Webb, Andrew .G., and Azhari, Haim. “CORE-PI: Non-iterative Convolution-based Reconstruction for Parallel MRI in the Wavelet Domain”. Medical Physics (2019).
Nemirovsky Jonathan and Shimron Efrat, "Utilizing Bochner's Theorem for Constrained Evaluation of Missing Fourier Data”, arXiv preprint, 1506.03300. (2015)
Saucan, Emil, Appleboim, Eli, Barak-Shimron, Efrat, Lev, Ronen, and Zeevi, Yehoshua Y. "Local versus Global in Quasi-Conformal Mapping for Medical Imaging". Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (2008).
Conference Proceedings
Shimron Efrat et al., "BladeNet: Rapid PROPELLER Acquisition and Reconstruction for High spatio-temporal Resolution Abdominal MRI". Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Abstract #0684 (London, 2022)
Waddington David, Shimron Efrat, Hindely Nicholas, Konjoo Neha, Rosen Matthew. "Accelerating Ultra-Low Field MRI with Compressed Sensing", Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), (London, 2022).
Shimron Efrat, Tamir, Jonathan, Wang Ke, Lustig Michael (2021) "Subtle Inverse Crimes: Naively using Publicly Available Images Could Make Reconstruction Results Seem Misleadingly Better!". This abstract received a magna cum laude award in the 2021 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) . The abstract is here (link requires ISMRM registration).
Shimron Efrat, Webb, Andrew G., Azhari, Haim. (2019) “Rapid Parallel MRI with Convolution-based Reconstruction (CORE) and Deblurring by Compressed Sensing”. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montréal, Canada, abstract #2441
Shimron Efrat, Azhari Haim. (2019), “Rapid MR-guided-HIFU using Convolution-based Reconstruction and Parallel Imaging (CORE-PI)”. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), abstract #3809
Shimron Efrat, Webb, Andrew G., Azhari, Haim. (2018), “Rapid Parallel MRI Reconstruction Utilizing the Wavelet Filter Bank”, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), abstract #3543, Paris, France.
Shimron Efrat, Azhari Haim. (2018), “Combining Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging for Accelerating Focused Ultrasound MR Thermometry”, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), abstract #4032, Paris, France.
Shimron Efrat, Azhari Haim. (2018), “Fast MRI by Exploiting a Reference Scan (FASTMER) for MR Thermometry”, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), abstract #4031, Paris, France.
Shimron Efrat, Webb, Andrew G., Azhari, Haim., (2017) "Joint Sparsity and ”SPID” Calculation of the Stationary Wavelet Transform for Compressed Sensing Reconstruction in Parallel MRI", Proceedings of the SPARS 2017 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
Shimron Efrat, Webb, Andrew G., Azhari, Haim. (2017), “SPID Compressed Sensing for Parallel MRI: Flexible Sampling and Rapid Reconstruction”, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), abstract #5170, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Shimron Efrat, Webb, Andrew G., Azhari, Haim. (2017) “SPID-CS: Accelerated Compressed Sensing for Parallel MRI”, Annual Conference of the Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE), Haifa, Israel.
Shimron Efrat, Nemirovsky Jonathan, Azhari Haim. (2015) "Estimation of Under-Sampled High-Frequency k-space data Accelerates Compressed Sensing Reconstruction in MRI". Annual Conference of the Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE), Haifa, Israel.
Shimron, Efrat, Meir Ron and Zeevi, Yehoshua Y. (2009) "A Model for Simultaneous Encoding of 'Where' and 'What' Information in Prefrontal Cortex". BMC Neuroscience, 10. P. 283.
Shimron, Efrat, Eytan, Dani, Meir, Ron and Zeevi, Yehoshua Y. (2007) "Topology Regulates Source Separation in Biologically Realistic Neural Networks". Neural Plasticity Conference, the 16th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society for Neuroscience, Eilat, Israel.
Copyright Efrat Shimron, 2020